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關於high frequency trading的評價, 寄贅民

【唯快不破】 李小龍曾經說過:「天下武功,無招不破,唯快不破。」 後來,在有致敬成份的電影《功夫》裡,也有說到,「天下武功, 無堅不摧,唯快不破」。 天下間,怎麼厲害的武功,一定都有辦法可以破解...

Liqui Moly Ultrasonic 超声波车内杀菌消毒保养 是以高频振动声波促进消毒液化学分子的运动,再化为雾化形式🌫 清洁与消毒车厢与空调系统通风管内部🚘,有效彻底去除微生物,霉菌和细菌🦠等。 减低和预防微生物滋长,防止霉菌和细菌等侵入车厢造成乘客👨‍👩‍👧‍👧感染🥰 超声波是非常安全的杀菌消毒技术哦,它不会破坏和改变消毒化学🧪品的原有功能👍🏻 此技术已经被医疗业👨🏼‍🔬,制药业,餐饮业🍽等认可;用于清洁消毒手术🏥设备,食品加工设备消毒作业等,医生们使用的手术刀也是必须通过超声波杀菌消毒后才能够使用的哦‼️ 现在就拿你车子🚗去做Liqui Moly的Ultrasonic 车内杀菌消毒的保养配套吧‼️😎 LIQUI MOLY Malaysia Liqui Moly Ultrasonic vehicle interior disinfectant treatment It uses high frequency vibration sound waves 🧬traveling through a specific speed in a predictable direction to initiate chemical reaction, converting it from liquid to mist for faster applications and results, cleans and sterilizes vehicles interior and air-condition system Effectively removing microbes, molds and bacteria🦠, preventing the transmission of microorganism in the vehicle cabin for a healthier ride🚗 The ultrasonic technique used is also safe and harmless, this technique will not reduce the effectiveness of the product It is already a common practice by the medical, pharmaceutical and f&b industries to clean surgical equipment, food process equipment, etc... Every surgical instruments🏥 also have to be sterilized by ultrasonic technique before it can be use! It’s time to get Liqui Moly Ultrasonic Disinfection Treatment package for your vehicle!❤️

Liqui Moly Ultrasonic 超声波车内杀菌消毒保养 是以高频振动声波促进消毒液化学分...